



Joey老师的发音相当的纯正,她的课简约,明朗,轻松,她对于学员的上课进度有恰到好处的把握。Joey老师会在上课过程中纠正自己的发音、表达,告诉你怎样才能正确地表达你想要说的,在每一次课程结束后,总是能给出一个全面可靠的课程反馈表,让学生充分了解自己的缺点和不足,不断改进。跟Joey老师一起上课,学习效率会一下子提高很多! 她会让学员在上课过程中体会到学习英语的乐趣,掌握英语表达技巧。跟着Joey老师一起学习英语,你一定会体会到一个经验丰富的老师是怎样教授你学习实用的、专业的英语口语的。


Hi there! I’m Mary Joey or just call me Joey. My dream when I was younger was to become a Newscaster, I want to be seen on television and I would want to travel around the world. I’ve tried to host big events in my hometown and I’ve also tried to be a newscaster on the radio during my college days. When I’ve started to teach Koreans, I started to love teaching. And now I’m excited to teach English to Chinese students. I like teaching reading and pronunciation. I love talking about anything especially other countries’ culture and practices. It’s always been my desire and goal to see my students succeed in their endeavors. Specifically in their dream to be globally competitive in the future. And I want to be part of your success as I share my skills, knowledge and talent as you learn English.

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