



Jam 老师毕业于菲律宾有名的大学德拉萨大学,她之前的工作经历非常丰富,从事过销售、人力资源管理、写手等工作,Jam老师的文笔非常好,她至今仍在oDesk担任专栏英文撰稿人。她喜欢阅读,涉猎广泛,知识渊博,上Jam老师的课,不仅英语水平提高很快,知识也变得丰富了。


Hi, there! My name is Jamille. You can call me, Jam. I am a graduate of AB-Arts Management. I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and because of that I have decided to work from home. I have turned my home into a working office so I can pursue my career and be here for my baby at the same time. I am in love with books. I read a lot and I always have a book with me wherever I go. I also have a passion for news and current events. I like to keep myself up to date and in the know. I find that reading keeps one’s mind in constant motion. There’s no end to the imagination and knowledge that can be gathered in books. This is how I can confidently say that I would be an effective teacher. I landed my first job right after college and I’ve never stopped working since then. I have close to ten years experience in phone and chat support (call center experience). And right now, I am working as a freelance writer for various websites and online magazines.

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